Getting quality assurance in translation

All customers want top quality translations, but usually all they have to go on is what translation service providers say about themselves...

We have taken a different approach. Instead of just telling you how good we are, we have developed a system for ensuring the quality of every single translation.

Native-speaker translation

All our translators are native speakers of the language into which the translation is made (the target language), with professional proficiency in the language from which the translation is made (the source language), and any specialist knowledge/experience required for the job.

Independent peer review

And all our translations are fully checked by a second and completely independent native-speaker translator with the same language combination and specialist area. This check is an independent peer review.

It is independent because the two translators do not even know each other's identity; it is a peer review because they have the same language combination and specialisation; and it is a review because the second translator suggests changes and makes helpful comments on the translation - but does not take over responsibility for it. Unless the translation is rejected as incompetent, it is the first translator who makes all the final decisions on the reviewer's suggestions.

Real quality assurance

Our approach means that the quality of the actual product is checked – every time.
